Stormwater Solutions

Municipalities can close the loop on their organics recycling program, filter stormwater runoff and protect salmon by integrating compost into stormwater and low-impact development initiatives.

Benefits of Using Locally Generated Compost and Locally Manufactured Bioretention Soils

1. Filters storm water.
Reference film by Nature Conservancy and Washington State University:

2. Supports zero waste initiatives for cities and counties by providing end market for the compost generated from city and county yard waste and food scrap recycling programs. Can be incorporated into county and municipal stormwater specifications.
Reference City of Seattle Bioretention Soil Specifications:

3. Supports local, green jobs, manufacturing and innovation in our region.

Benefits of Soil Best Practices

For Builders, Developers, and Landscape Contractors
• Better landscape appearance
• Better erosion control
• Better stormwater management
• Easier, faster planting in amended soil
• Much better plant survival (fewer callbacks for dying plants and lawns)

For Property Owners
• Easier, cheaper landscape maintenance
• Up to 50% less summer irrigation needs
• Lower fertilizer needs
• Dramatically less pesticides and herbicides needed – easier and healthier for families
• Better landscape appearance, all year round

For Waterways, Salmon, and Other Wildlife
• Reduced stormwater runoff = less erosion and sediment in salmon streams
• Increased groundwater recharge = better summer stream flows
• Less demand for irrigation water supply = more water in rivers for wildlife
• Bio-filtration of urban pollutants (running through compost-amended soil filters out 60-95 percent of contaminants, eliminates aquatic toxicity from constituents not even monitored for)
• Less need for fertilizers and pesticides, so less washing off into streams
• Reduce Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) events by retention and slow release of water
• An approved BMP for Infiltration and Bioretention Treatment for the Municipal Stormwater Permit – Western Washington Stormwater Management Manual (SMMWW): Volume V – Chapter 7 supported by the Washington State Department of Ecology


• Case Studies:
• Seattle Public Utilities – Ballard Natural Drainage -
• How Compost Restores Soil Function -
• The Soil Story -

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